
Charles Oleary

May 2024 Wine Club Info

Domaine Salel & Renaud | “Testaire” Raisanne | Ardèche, France | 2021 Hailing from the Rhone Valley's ancient and forgotten-about region of Ardèche, this bottling embodies its rugged scrubby terroir, bursting with ripe, sun-kissed yellow fruit and what the French call "garrigue" - sage, rosemary, and lavender brush. To me, this Raisanne (different from Rousanne) feels like a poor man's viognier, a native white grape from the same slice of France. Unsurprisingly, there's RAMPANT growth of garrigue in this part of France... Herbs de Provence anyone? I like to imagine myself drinking this wine with halibut I grilled on a sunny evening, using a bouquet of sage/rosemary/lavender...

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Charles Oleary

March 2024 Wine Club

Zebedeo | Albariño Blend | Rias Baixas, Spain Zebedeo Blanco is from a negociant project between Transparent Wine Co (one of our favorite importers) and their trusted Spanish growers. For this cuvee, Alex and Luke collaborated with small, local growers in Spain's Rias Baixas region to create a beautiful, ethically made, and terroir-driven white wine while ensuring that the producers make the lion's share of the profits. Albariño brings the vivacious acidity and freshness while the Godello rounds out the wine with a "waxy" Chenin-Blanc-esque mouthfeel.   Rías Baixas is a lusciously green coastal region in Spain's NW corner along the Portuguese border. Its name, meaning "lower estuaries," pays...

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Jack Pain

September 2023 Wine Club

Helmut Christ | Silvaner | Nordheim, Franken, Germany | 2021 Although Michael’s father was the first in the family’s lineage to make wine (1974), the Christ family has been farming grapes for countless generations. They adopted biodynamics the same year they started vinifying the estate fruit, despite the Demeter certification not being offered to alcohol producers at that point in time. It was healthy soils that mattered to them anyways, not the orange badge.  The Nordheim, Franken region of Germany is located further north than most German wine regions, so it’s too cold for red grapes and even Germany’s flagship...

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Charles Oleary

Wine Club Info

July 20224 May 2024 March 2024 January 2024 Thanksgiving (one-off - not part of subscription) November 2023 September 2023 July 2023

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